Our Core Values

Building a Community of People who Love Jesus Passionately and Serve Others Joyfully

1. Glorifying God by Delighting in Him
Since God is our majestic and holy creator, sustainer and Savior, He is due all glory and honor.  Because His ways are good and loving, our greatest joy is to give Him glory; it is also the way we bring Him the most glory. (I Chronicles 16:28-31; Isaiah 43:5-7)

2. Being Ambassadors for Jesus
The title “ambassador” reminds us that this world is not our home; rather, we have been given a message of Good News (the Gospel of Jesus Christ) which we are to declare faithfully and urgently to all people – no matter the cost.  (II Corinthians 5:14-21)

3. Seeking to be filled with the Spirit
We believe that a person is filled with the Holy Spirit upon repentance and faith in Jesus; therefore we are not charismatic in our theology.  However, we also want to constantly walk by the Spirit and not grieve him; we seek to be open to whatever the Spirit wants to powerfully do in us and through us.  (Acts 1:1-8; Ephesians 5:15-21) 

4. Proclaiming God’s Word with Boldness
We are not ashamed of the Gospel or what the Bible declares as Truth.  We therefore believe that we all need to hear the whole counsel of the Word of God so that we might discern how to critique and react to the culture we live in.  (You can see our position on some current issues by clicking here)  (II Timothy 4:1-5) 

5. Growing in Godliness
We constantly seek to be more like Christ for three reasons – Christ died for our sins and we are therefore to hate sin; there is joy in righteousness and misery in sin; and, we long to be a light in the darkness of our world.  (Philippians 1:3-11; Romans 6:1-4)

6. Consider Others More Significant than Ourselves
This is a hard command that goes against our sinful nature.  We want to embrace it and live it because we realize it will fill our congregation with deep unity and help us to humbly serve one another and others.  It is a Christ-like attitude that will keep us from selfish, painful bickering.  It is also one of the reasons we have blended worship.  We realize that different people in our church body are ministered to by different styles of music.  We want to minister to every person in our church body.  (Philippians 2:1-11) 

7. Striving to be Good Stewards
God is the giver of every good and perfect gift and we want to wisely and generously use all that He has given us – time, abilities, income, and possessions – for His glory.  (I Peter 4:7-11)

8. Praying at All Times
Prayer is a great privilege and the power behind all ministry which is God-glorifying.  We have people available for one-on-one prayer after every service.  People also get together for prayer every Sunday morning before our services begin; and we encourage prayer throughout the week as well in Life Groups, Bible Studies and families.  (Romans 12:10-15; I Thessalonians 5:12-18; James 5:13-20) 



First Church
305 Boesch Drive, 95366 Ripon, CA
